How to Use CBD Cream After MMA Competitions

Two Black Dumbbells and Brown Glass Bottle
Photo by Tree of Life Seeds

CBD has recently been a popular topic of conversation in the sports world. Increasingly, athletes are looking to CBD products to help them improve their performance and manage the intense strain they place on their bodies.

MMA fighters, in particular, have been open about how they use CBD and the benefits they have noticed. Being a professional MMA fighter requires constant training and motivation to push the human body to its limits. Even the top fighters feel the strain they put themselves under, which is where CBD products have shown to be extremely useful.

There are many different ways that MMA fighters have been using CBD. One particular method that has stood out among MMA fighters is CBD topicals, which give MMA fighters the ability to target the hardest worked areas of their bodies, ensuring maximum effectiveness.

Let’s look at the MMA fighters that have gone public about using CBD creams and how they are getting the most out of them.

MMA Fighters That Are Using CBD

MMA fighters put their bodies under significant strain, and it is no secret that struggling with almost constant pain is simply part of the job. Managing pain and minor injuries are therefore vital skills for successful MMA fighters.

CBD topicals are popular as a natural pain remedy and can even help with the healing process when injuries occur. CBD for MMA fighters is now one of the leading ways to provide the body with the tools it needs after an intense completion or training session.

Among the big names within the MMA world who have gone public about using CBD are Nate Diaz, Jonny Bones, Matt Hughes, and Austin Vanderford.

Nate Diaz is probably the most prominent MMA fighter to talk about CBD and how it benefits him. Not only is Nate an advocate for CBD, but he also runs his own CBD company, Game Up Nutrition, with his brother.

Matt Hughes, who works closely with the CBD brand PureKana is another leading fighter who has been very open about how CBD has changed his life. After being involved in a train crash that left Matt in a coma in 2017, he has fought his way back to the MMA and talks publicly about how he believes CBD to have been a massive part of his recovery journey.

Why Are MMA Fighters Choosing to Use CBD Creams?

There are many ways that CBD can be used, and several MMA fighters have publicly gone into detail about the products they have enjoyed the most.

CBD topicals (in particular, CBD creams) are one way of using CBD that is mentioned almost every time MMA fighters talk about how they have been using CBD. While all CBD products offer some benefits in treating and managing pain, nothing beats creams.

CBD creams are a type of topical, meaning they are applied to a specific area of the body and provide effects exclusively to that area. The ability to control precisely where the effects of CBD will be felt is extremely useful for athletes when looking to tackle overworked areas of the body and pain.

Another huge benefit and reason MMA fighters have been loving CBD creams are that their effects can typically be felt much quicker than most other CBD products. The cannabinoids with creams are applied directly to the affected area of the body, allowing them to get to work much quicker, which is perfect after a competition when faced with sudden aches and pains.

How Are MMA Fighters Using CBD Creams?

Many MMA fighters take CBD before matches to help increase energy levels. However, it is after a competition that CBD creams become the most useful.

A mix of focus and adrenaline during competitions helps suppress a lot of the pain and strain the body is under. However, once the energy of the competition starts to wind down, the pain and injuries become noticeable.

In the hours after a competition, many MMA fighters choose to use CBD creams, applying them to the most painful areas of the body for almost instant relief.

CBD creams should be applied directly to areas that appear painful or stiff. CBD can ease the pain levels and help to limit any unnecessary inflammation from occurring, which could lead to further pain.

CBD creams can also be applied to joints and muscles under intense strain during competitions. Applying CBD to these areas can help to prevent pain from being felt later and help the body to recover quickly.

MMA fighters will generally apply CBD cream straight after a competition to give their body the best chance of recovery and stop the pain in its tracks. In most cases, the user will need to apply CBD creams every few hours to ensure that the full effects of CBD kick in.


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