Taisei Sakuraba made a stunning MMA debut by defeating veteran Yusuke Yachi in seconds, continuing his father’s legacy and ending Yachi’s four-fight winning streak at Rizin Decade.
Taisei Sakuraba’s MMA debut? It was short, but oh-so-sweet for fans of classic Japanese MMA.
With his dad in his corner—none other than the legendary PRIDE veteran and UFC Hall of Famer Kazushi Sakuraba—“Saku Jr.” faced off against 41-fight veteran Yusuke Yachi. This all went down during the early bouts of Rizin Decade on Dec. 31 in Saitama. And guess what? He shocked everyone with a jaw-dropping finish in mere seconds.
Yachi, who once vied for a RIZIN title, traded head kicks with Sakuraba right from the start of their featherweight clash. He caught one kick, thinking he’d gained an edge. But surprise! “Saku Jr.” followed up with a swift left hand to the noggin, sending Yachi tumbling. Sakuraba didn’t let up until the ref stepped in to stop the fight.
Now, Sakuraba stands 1-0 in professional MMA, halting Yachi’s four-fight winning streak under the RIZIN banner. Quite the statement, huh?
Want to see how it ended? Check out the finish below, and click here for full Rizin Decade results.
There’s some chatter about the quick stoppage, but let’s be real—that’s not on Taisei Sakuraba. That’s how you make an entrance against a seasoned pro with over 40 fights. Just seconds! The legacy lives on! #RIZIN_Decade (footage courtesy of RIZIN FF/RIZIN.tv)
— Cageside Press (@Cagesidepress) December 31, 2024
And there you have it! A debut to remember, with more to come from “Saku Jr.” Keep your eyes peeled for this rising star!